

Side Note...

Hey Guys....this isn't a real post.
I have some photo work in the works :) but that is not what this post is about.
Read on if you are bored....or want to "meet" a really great photographer.
Let me begin by informing you about something:
I have a fascination with the trailblazers of photography.
I think the history of photography is so interesting in itself because in its early life photography was not considered a "real" art form. People were still, like, really into painting and stuff so the medium wasn't appreciated or understood and essentially looked down upon. Buuuuut...there were people, cool people, that identified with it so much and could see its potential to become one of the most powerful forms of storytelling that they devoted their lives to it. These people helped make photography a mainstream artistic medium.
In exploring some early photographers I discovered Barbara Morgan.
Barbara (I'm gonna go ahead and use her first name because, I figure, if we ever had met eachother we would be on a first name basis) was not an early, early, early photographer...but she was early enough.
Barbara combined two of my absolute favorite things: photography (obiviously) and dance.
Her images completely draw me in.
There is something so intriguing about the way she captures the emotion of dance.
I think she had a special sense of how to photograph movement.
Anyway, I just wanted to share with y'all someone I am feeling very inspired by.
That is all. Have a fantastic Sunday and...
Shoot ya Later :)

P.S. My good friend Barbara once said, “I’m not just a ‘photographer’ or a ‘painter, but a visually aware human being searching out ways to communicate the intensities of life.”

Oh Barbara, you just get me. You just get me. That's why we're such good friends.

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