


WOW. That is all I can say!!! 
This post is gargantuan and, in my humble opinion, absolutely BRILLIANT!! 
 So let me do a small introduction...the two beautiful models that you will soon become acquainted with are the Letter 4 girls, Jamie and Janae Godfrey!! 
 These girls are beautiful, talented, creative, hilarious, and so many other amazing things I can not possibly list them all! These girls are practically my littler sisters (in fact, their family pseudo-adopted me). Their older sister, Jade, is one of my best friends in the entire world - so as you can imagine, I spent countless hours at their house growing up! 
 As it turns out, the Godfrey girls are making a splash in the blogging world and have graciously let me shoot some pictures for their blog and be part of their exciting adventure (PS they were on Martha "friggin" Stewart!! Just an FYI). You can find a link to the TV clip on their site and if you watch really closely, you will see a picture I TOOK on the Martha "FRIGGIN" Stewart show!!!!!!! I mean, no one really knows that I took the picture...but it was still pretty cool to see it on TV! 
 Whoa, total tangent....sorry. 
 As you may recall, we did a small Letter 4 shoot a few months back (all the sisters were there, so it was a real party)! After I saw the great things they did with the pics on the Letter 4, I was absolutely dying to shoot these beauties I convinced them to come to SLC and have a humbletakes shoot AND a beautiful madness shoot!!!! 
 So, this was pretty much like my dream weekend!!
The first series of pictures are for Humbletakes (which pretty much means that the amazing miss Brynn did not do they styling) - so it was just me and the girls. 
 I have a feeling you'll be able to figure when Brynn joined in and the shoot became a beautiful madness dream!!! 
 I hope you enjoy the pics and take some time to snoop around the Letter 4 because it has a little something for everyone! Let me know what you think :D
Shoot ya Later :)

Here. Here is when the amazing Miss Brynn joined the party......uhm, a tad bit obvious, but I wanted to make sure we're all on the same page.

UNFORTUNATELY, Jamie wasn't available to do a beautiful madness shoot this same weekend :( but she can't get out of doing one......I'm coming for you Jamie. Count on it.


  1. bahaha can't wait for you to come get me and beautiful madness me out! -jamie. ps I'm about to beautiful madness out your blog! haha!

  2. Beautiful job!!! Love the letter 4 girls!!!

  3. Great job Melissa! Kinda love your subjects! A little freaky when I can't tell they are mine though! Fantastic girlie! Love Julie

  4. Stopping in by way of The Letter 4. I love your photos! Newest follower here :) Stop by and give us a visit some time!!


  5. Thanks for stopping by everybody! I'm so happy you took time to check out the pics :)

  6. wowza! holy...mama, no words. you are awesome. love ya.

